Home How To How to Optimize Images for Saas Websites

How to Optimize Images for Saas Websites


Saas websites are one of the most convenient ways to use software without the necessity to pay above the odds. Software-as-a-service companies provide highly qualitative products and all the necessary supplementation for its management.


SaaS is a way of distributing software on a rental basis. The customer does not need to buy a CMS and order individual development, just configure the site issued by the supplier for their tasks and make a monthly (or annual) subscription fee. Saas websites are those managed and supplied by special provider companies. Image optimization is crucial for the development and promotion of any website, in particular, Saas one. SaaS platforms have the following advantages:

  • no equipment costs;
  • the site is ready immediately, as you have registered;
  • additional storage space or services can be made available on-demand without the need to install new software and hardware;
  • platform updates are free and automatic;
  • applications can be accessed through any Internet-compatible device, such as desktops, smartphones, and tablets;
  • applications can often be modified according to the needs and branding of individual customers.

Among the most trendy Saas websites are Wix, InSales, Slack, Shopify. As well as other websites, image optimization is also of crucial importance for them. The photos are definitely vital by themselves, but the way they are optimized is also decisive.

SAAS Website Peculiarities

Saas websites have such advantages for the customer:

  • The software is accessed through a browser, which means there is no need to install the software on the user’s computer;
  • Clear interface;
  • The site is supported on various platforms;
  • Rapid implementation;
  • Low costs.

The advantages for developers can be singled out separately:

  • Quick and easy implementation;
  • Customers may not refuse the services of the developer and continue to use the software;
  • Lack of unlicensed software.

Image CDN

CDN is designed to increase the download speed of your site. The idea is to give the site visitor static files at maximum speed and save the virtual hosting server from an unusual task. This solution will increase the speed of scripts. This is achieved with the help of a cluster of caching servers. After activating the image CDN, all you need to do is change the path to static files on the site to a special subdomain and all requests to static files will not come to the HTTP server, but to the statics server. If the requested object was not found in the cache, the statics server will query the main server to get the object and save it in the cache.

In addition, most modern browsers allow you to open no more than 10 simultaneous connections to the server, so other processes for downloading static content will wait for the completion of current processes. Our cluster infrastructure solves this problem. The implementation is based on CDN (Content Delivery Network) technology, supported by most popular CMS, such as Joomla !, WordPress, and Drupal. In the FAQ we described the technology of connecting a statics server to these CMS.

The following file formats are supported: .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .ico. .css, .midi, .wav. .bmp, .js, .swf, .flv. .avi, .djvu, .mp3, .xml, .zip Thanks to this optimization, the speed of loading the site increases several times, and is not inferior to the speed of sites on more expensive SSD hosting.

Tips for Image Optimization

Importance of Qualitative Photos

The quality of the visual content is crucial for any website. It defines the level of the website and conduces the number of its viewers. For sure, in case digital cameras are used to make a shot, the quality of the pictures is pretty obvious. However, there is no necessity to use it, as it is possible to make pretty good photos using a smartphone or photographic camera.

The light is important for the ultimate result; therefore, pay attention to the lighting in the room. Moreover, use various supporting materials like white sweep and camera tripod. It helps to diffuse the light and make the photo look better.

Good Overview

The product must be represented from different angles so that the customer could see it well. The usage of various screenshots or detailed photos of the product is essential.


The background matters indeed! It influences the perception of the picture by the viewer. If the product is on a colorful or dark background, it looks either weird or out of date. Therefore, the best option of how to attract the attention of potential customers is to use a white background. First of all, all photos look professional on a white background. Second, all the pictures will look consistent on the website. Moreover, the time and money spent on editing will be saved.

Image Formats

It is known that the major part of work in image optimization for Saas websites is done outside the scenes. For sure, all the above-mentioned information is crucial. Still, the way photos are edited and represented to the customer is essential too. Another issue related to image optimization is image formats.

One of the most popular image formats – GIF does not take much space. However, their quality leaves room for improvement. PGN is a pretty interesting image format, as it supports transparent background and various colors. The most popular format is JPEG – it is possible to find a compromise between the good quality of the picture and the file size.


SaaS platforms are the most cost-efficient option. But developing a site on a platform will take much less time than developing manually or by CMS. The disadvantage of SaaS platforms is that it cannot implement the full functionality that the customer may want – there are limitations. SaaS platforms are a great solution for small and medium-sized businesses, for those who want to see and see how their business is going.

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