Home Technology What Is CI CD Pipeline And The Stages Involved

What Is CI CD Pipeline And The Stages Involved


The term “Ci Cd Pipeline” is widely used in software development, but what does it mean? This article will give you an overview of What is CI CD pipeline and what are the stages involved in a Continuous Delivery pipeline.

CI CD Pipeline

In software development, ” CI/CD ” refers to Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery. A group of connected tools makes up a CI CD pipeline that helps developers automatically build, test, and deploy their code. 

How It Helps?

By automating the code development process, a CI CD pipeline helps speed up the delivery of new features and bug fixes. In addition, by automatically testing code at each stage of the development process, a CI CD pipeline helps to ensure that code changes do not introduce new bugs. As a result, CI-CD pipelines can help improve software products’ quality and reliability.

Pipeline stages

  1. Build: In the build stage, code changes are compiled and built into a software package (e.g., an executable file).
  2. Test: In the test stage, the software package is deployed to a testing environment, and automated tests are run to check that the code changes have not introduced any new bugs.
  3. Deploy: In the deploy stage, the software package is deployed to a staging or production environment where users can access it.
  4. Monitor: In the monitor stage, the software package is monitored in production to check for any issues.

Main Benefits Of Using A Continuous Delivery Pipeline

  1. Reduced risk of software releases: By automatically building, testing, and deploying code changes, the risk of errors and bugs is greatly reduced.
  2. Faster feedback: Automated testing and deployment mean that code changes can be made available to users faster than if deployed manually.
  3. Improved quality: Automated testing ensures that code changes meet a certain quality threshold before being deployed to users.
  4. Greater control: The continuous delivery pipeline provides greater control over the software release process, allowing for more consistent and predictable results.
  5. Easier to rollback: If a code change introduces errors or bugs, it is much easier to roll back the change using a continuous delivery pipeline.

What Is Jenkins And the Benefits Of Building CI/CD Pipeline With It?

Do you know what is jenkins? Jenkins is an open-source automation server. It helps automate the parts of software development related to building, testing, and deploying, facilitating faster development cycles. 

In addition, Jenkins can be used to monitor executions of externally-run jobs. For example, say you have a job running on a remote machine that takes an input file and produces an output file. You can configure Jenkins to check periodically for the presence of the output file and stop the job if it doesn’t find it after a certain amount of time. This functionality can be particularly useful for long-running jobs

How Is Jenkins Important For CI/CD Pipeline?

Jenkins is an important tool for setting up a CI/CD pipeline. By automating the processes, you can speed up development and reduce errors. Jenkins makes it easy to view the results of each stage in the pipeline, so you can quickly identify and fix problems. 

Overall, using Jenkins to set up a CI/CD pipeline can help improve the efficiency and quality of your software development process.

How Does CI/CD Pipeline Automation Benefit Developer Teams?

Automated CI/CD pipelines help developer teams by automating many of the repetitive tasks involved in this process. For example, a pipeline can automatically run tests and static analysis tools on each code change and secure approvals from team members before merging the code into the main branch. This helps ensure that code changes are made consistently and predictable, which can save time and reduce frustration for developers.

Provides Valuable Insights

Automated pipelines can provide valuable insights into the development process, such as which areas of the codebase are being changed most frequently or which tests are taking the longest to run.

This information can help developers identify bottlenecks in the development process and make more informed decisions about where to focus their efforts.


Continuous delivery is a process for automating the software release process. It helps to reduce risk, improve quality, and increase control over the software development process. Jenkins is an important tool for setting up a CI/CD pipeline. It offers helpful insights into the development process and aids in automating many of the repetitive operations associated with this process.

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