Bitcoin – Technorollhttps://technoroll.orgYour Technology & Digital Marketing BlogWed, 30 Jun 2021 11:05:18 +0000en-UShourly1 – Technorollhttps://technoroll.org3232 Cryptocurrencies And Bitcoin 2021, 24 Jun 2021 04:40:45 +0000 invention of cryptocurrencies has benefited the business market in several ways. The development of cryptocurrency has introduced several advantages in the trading world. Several types of research have indicated that crypto can be the currency of the future and it will replace all other currencies. A cryptocurrency is a general form of currency existing […]

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The invention of cryptocurrencies has benefited the business market in several ways. The development of cryptocurrency has introduced several advantages in the trading world. Several types of research have indicated that crypto can be the currency of the future and it will replace all other currencies. A cryptocurrency is a general form of currency existing on a distributed and decentralized ledger.

  • There are several types of cryptocurrencies traded in the business market and Bitcoin is one of them.
  • The launch of Bitcoin has brought a drastic change into the crypto market and has taken digital currency trading to a new level.

What Are Cryptocurrencies Actually?

A cryptocurrency is a digitalized form of money that is powered by complex blockchain technology. It does not mandate any central authority for it to operate, hence it is a decentralized currency.

  • A cryptocurrency can take the structure of tokens or “coins” sometimes and it can also venture into the real world in the form of credit but the majority of it remains entirely unembodied.
  • The “crypto” in the cryptocurrency cites the compound cryptography that initiates the production of digital currencies and trading throughout decentralized systems.
  • The main motive behind the development of cryptocurrencies was to make them a free form of money from the government authorities.
  • More than 4,000 cryptocurrencies are existing in the world as of January 2021. Some popular cryptocurrencies are Ethereum or ETH which was launched in 2015 is the second most popular kind of cryptocurrency. Litecoin launched in the year 2011, followed in the footsteps of Bitcoin, and is built on an open-source global payment network that is not under the control of any central authority. Cardano or ADA was created with a research-based approach and it stands out among several other cryptocurrencies.

What Is Bitcoin?

Powered by Blockchain technology, Bitcoin is a form of digital currency that does not operate under any central authority just like several other cryptocurrencies.

  • Bitcoin is a good mode of exchange among businessmen in the crypto market and all the transactions done in Bitcoin are verified by an enormous amount of computing technology.
  • Bitcoin is a valuable asset and has triggered the launch of many other popular cryptocurrencies that can be collectively called Altcoins.
  • Ever since its launch in the year 2009, Bitcoin has become the largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. As one of the primary digital currencies, Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology that enables instant payment.
  • Bitcoin is now widely favored as a payment mode for products and services provided. Several individuals are now investing in Bitcoin as they believe that it facilitates a faster and lower payment system for transactions around the world. However, trading in the Crypto market can be difficult and trading Bitcoin, in general, can be intimidating for beginners. Several apps can help you to trade cryptocurrencies easily and profitably and one such app is the

Relationship Between Cryptocurrency And Bitcoin:

Bitcoin which is powered by complex Blockchain technology is the most popular and well-known cryptocurrency among all famous personalities.

  • Bitcoin and all other cryptocurrencies are also used as a medium of exchange and have a good store of value. Bitcoin among all other cryptocurrencies is mostly used for transactions made in the crypto market.
  • Bitcoin is the primary and more superior cryptocurrency, due to its extremely secure network, investors choose Bitcoin over various other cryptocurrencies.
  • Several cryptocurrencies are invented each day and a few of them are varieties of the Bitcoin blockchain.
  • Bitcoin is considered to be the most valuable asset among other cryptocurrencies due to its Blockchain technology and Bitcoin is an important part of the business market today.


Investing time in cryptocurrency is an important step if someone wants to excel in trading digital currency. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin require a proper strategy and technique for trading but with experience, transactions can get easier.

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Top Ten Career Options That You Can Consider With Cryptocurrencies Like Bitcoin, 24 Jun 2021 02:40:42 +0000 are the days when only the type of currency you had was the one you could keep in your wallet. The latest form of money is intangible and is in the digital realm. This form of currency is virtual; however, its capability makes it very real.  If you haven’t heard about e-currency, especially bitcoins, […]

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Gone are the days when only the type of currency you had was the one you could keep in your wallet. The latest form of money is intangible and is in the digital realm. This form of currency is virtual; however, its capability makes it very real.  If you haven’t heard about e-currency, especially bitcoins, you must be living under a rock. Any time you go online, you will be bombarded by news of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

Essentially cryptocurrency is a form of virtual currency which takes the help of cryptography to ensure security. As it is virtual, you won’t be able to exchange it like tangible coins or notes. Therefore, it can only be traded with the help of blockchain, a decentralized digital ledger that anybody can access. As a result, cryptocurrency is changing the map of monetary exchange and paving the way for new kinds of lucrative jobs. If you are interested in finding jobs available in the cryptocurrency market, then read on.

Top Paying Jobs In The Cryptocurrency Market:

Business Development Representatives

With the help of Bitcoins, many new businesses and startups are getting opportunities that were previously unheard of across diverse fields like real estate to health care facilities. In addition, it is helping people to find better product partnerships as well as clients. This has led to the creation of a niche job of a business development representative who will help implement a company’s cryptocurrency goals and push sales numbers.

Data Scientist

Any person with a master’s degree in computer science or data science can take advantage of blockchain technology. However, there is a high demand for data scientists in this field as this technology is relatively new, and people are still not aware of its capabilities. Therefore companies require people who will be able to bring to the table analytical skills, which will help them understand the market trends to develop the company’s goals and production better.


Blockchain Technology has even been helpful for journalists. Every time you open the news, you will find at least one new article every day about cryptocurrencies and Bitcoins. In addition, the dynamic nature of this technology has given journalists a brand new field to write about since cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are so huge that the most significant news agencies are offering critical positions to people who are specializing in covering the latest happenings in the crypto world.

Machine Learning Engineer

Suppose you are interested in cryptocurrencies and you want to utilize their various advantages in real life to help combat hackers and other unscrupulous individuals online. In that case, a machine learning engineer job position is perfect for you. The digital world is not a secure place, and experts are always needed to maintain its safety. Without the help of these experts, using cryptocurrencies can be extremely tedious and not user-friendly. A machine learning engineer is a highly paid job that helps companies create a secure environment for customers while implementing the advantages of cryptocurrencies in their companies.

Technical Writer

Companies that deal with cryptocurrency often require a technical writer who will be able to properly shut down the company’s development and marketing plan to attract new investors. Furthermore, without the help of a technical content writer, even the best developer would not pitch their ideas clearly to potential investors. Therefore, writers with excellent penmanship and digital marketing experience are welcome in this field who will be able to comprehensively grasp the work of such companies and help them grow by attracting a large number of investors and clients.


Enter the world of cryptocurrency through websites like to enjoy all its benefits. E-currencies are genuinely revolutionizing the planet. If you want to take advantage of its dynamic nature, start developing the skills required to have a lucrative job in this highly profitable market.

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Bitcoin Conspiracy Theories: All You Need To Know, 23 Jun 2021 17:43:09 +0000 have been shrouded in mystery for the common people since their very inception. As a result, the bitcoin industry has fallen prey to numerous conspiracy theories. There have been widespread speculations about the creator of bitcoins, its nature, or its true purpose even. With the decline in people’s trust in the State and the […]

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Bitcoins have been shrouded in mystery for the common people since their very inception. As a result, the bitcoin industry has fallen prey to numerous conspiracy theories. There have been widespread speculations about the creator of bitcoins, its nature, or its true purpose even.

With the decline in people’s trust in the State and the global financial regulators, there is deep conjecture about what is true and what is just fake news. There is no way of telling what is really true these days. Another reason for people’s increasing distrust is the constant fear of surveillance by the government. Because of this, people are easily lured into creating stories of their own. Some cyberpunks see cryptocurrency as a way to escape surveillance from government and global financial institutions. Visit bitcoinx to know more about Bitcoins and cryptocurrency trading.

 What Is A Conspiracy Theory?

A conspiracy theory can be referred to as an alternate way of thinking or even a dystopian creation of the future’s reality. As it is different from the mainstream news, people enjoy listening to and subsequently propagating these theories. However, conspiracy theories may be fun but can prove to be harmful as well.

 Top Conspiracy Theories about Bitcoins

Here are some of the most popular conspiracy theories about Bitcoins:

Uncle Sam’s Project:

It was speculated that Bitcoin was created by the US National Security Agency in order to fund its secret missions. Bitcoins work on the proof-of-work technology which is also a part of the SHA-256 algorithm that was invented by the NSA. Having scrutinized the SHA-256 algorithm for over fifteen years, believers of this theory claim that the NSA could create a “backdoor” in the SHA-256 to track all online activity on the website.

A touch from China:

Proponents of this theory believe that the Chinese government was in charge of the creation of Bitcoin. Although China is the biggest center of crypto mining in the world, China intended to ban bitcoin mining and is in the process of testing digital yuan to compete with the US Dollar and the bitcoin. So, it’s hard to believe that China created bitcoin. However, believers are of the opinion that China developed bitcoin using its enormous financial resources and rapid advancements in technology and artificial intelligence. It is believed that China monitors global transactions via Bitcoins.

A tool of the Antichrist:

A Revelation in the Holy Bible apparently talks about a single global currency- “a mark”. This currency is somehow linked to the identity of every person, without considering social or cultural beginnings, according to the Revelation. Bitcoin’s features such as its global currency, identity tie-ups, and digital wallet nature make it look similar to the “mark”. Combined with the surveillance of the government and human microchipping instances, there are many people who actually believe this conspiracy theory.

A conspiracy theory was fueled even when Mark Zuckerberg went on to name one of his goats- “Bitcoin”. People even went on to the extent of assuming that Zuckerberg was planning on killing this goat, immobilizing it, and eventually consuming it. Taking a cue from this chain of thoughts, some people went on to say that this meant that Zuckerberg could finish the whole Bitcoin industry.

Final Words

Spreading conspiracy theories has proved to be beneficial for some and they happened to go viral with such conspiracy theories. Although it looks all fun on the face of it, conspiracy theories are actually fake news and can prove to be harmful. Young and inexperienced minds often fall prey to these conspiracy theories and even go on to partake in bizarre activities.

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Some of the Myths Associated with Bitcoin, 23 Mar 2021 17:40:38 +0000 it or not, however, the world progresses in a positive direction there will always be myths that surround anything that is popular.  As bitcoin is quite a popular currency, there are obviously some myths about it. Let us take a look at some of the most popular myths surrounding between which need to be […]

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Believe it or not, however, the world progresses in a positive direction there will always be myths that surround anything that is popular.  As bitcoin is quite a popular currency, there are obviously some myths about it.

Let us take a look at some of the most popular myths surrounding between which need to be debunked immediately.

What Popular Myths About Bitcoin Need To Be Debunked?

Bitcoins Are Used For Illegal Activities:

This has to be the oldest and most pervasive myth about Bitcoin that it is always used for illegal and illicit activities around the world. As cryptocurrencies are not a centralized form of currency, they can be used to transfer money from anywhere in the world.

Cryptocurrencies are anonymous in nature and there are no records of how and when they are transacted from one place to the other. It is obviously true that there have been nefarious activities in the past using Bitcoins but now there are big companies that are also investing in Bitcoin. This myth has surely perpetrated deep into the minds of investors and many are still skeptical about investing but nonetheless, Bitcoin can be used for good activities too.

Bitcoin Is Not Real Money As It Does Not Have Value:

Sorry to break your bubble but Bitcoin does have value. When Bitcoin came out in the year 2008 it really started out at a price of being $1000 only. If people had started investing in it by then they would have become billionaires.

Today Bitcoin reached a value of around $50000 in the market as there have been many activities surrounding it. The technology called blockchain helps in the mining of Bitcoins which leads to believe that Bitcoin is a very valuable digital currency right now in the world.

Bitcoins Are Not A Secure Form Of Digital Currency:

Cryptocurrencies have recently become very popular in the market which has led to many scams and failures on the part of the investors. But it is not a time to back down from investing in cryptocurrencies as it is the future technology. Blockchain technology is a very secure technology that does not get easily hacked. Therefore, it is quite possible that any technology is at fault, but this does not mean that we have to lose hope in cryptocurrencies whatsoever.

Bitcoins Are Not Eco-friendly:

This concern might be a valid one for all environmentalists as Bitcoin mining takes up a huge amount of electricity. One should always remember that the value of a bitcoin will outweigh any other currency in the world one day as it is the future. Anyway, there are only 21 million Bitcoins that can be mined as it is a limited currency, therefore however much electricity is needed will always be less compared to what it gives back in return.

These myths have to be broken down as soon as possible because the new generation has to understand the importance of cryptocurrencies one day.

Cryptocurrencies Are A Fraud:

If this was true, we wouldn’t have found all around the world. Obviously, there are past stories such as, there have been fraudulent scams in the past that have robbed investors previously. Investors need to do their daily research before investing in something as new as cryptocurrency, as they have to be very careful with any fraud. In case an investor fails to do research, then he might fall prey to a scam and then he cannot blame it on anything else except himself.

For one should always take out the time and effort before investing in something as new as a digital currency.


Therefore, these are the few myths about Bitcoins that need to be debugged immediately.

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