Search Results for “online course” – Technoroll Your Technology & Digital Marketing Blog Fri, 10 Nov 2023 02:50:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Search Results for “online course” – Technoroll 32 32 The Impact of Technology on Employee Experience Fri, 10 Nov 2023 02:50:40 +0000 Listen It’s difficult to deny the tremendous influence that technology has on the employee experience, take into account joining a company where cutting-edge technology has taken the place of outdated tools and procedures in an effort to empower, engage, and enhance your working experience.  Technology has changed work in a way that is comparable to […]

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It’s difficult to deny the tremendous influence that technology has on the employee experience, take into account joining a company where cutting-edge technology has taken the place of outdated tools and procedures in an effort to empower, engage, and enhance your working experience. 

Technology has changed work in a way that is comparable to bringing in a new era of work, one in which individuals participate actively in an ecosystem of innovation and efficiency rather than acting as inert cogs in a machine. Every aspect of the employment experience has been impacted by technology.

Because procedures are streamlined, communication is improved, and remote work is made easier, a more flexible and dynamic work environment is made possible.

With ongoing connectedness, the distinction between work and personal life can become hazy, and the rate of change can be intimidating.

The effect of technology, however, must be understood to be a double-edged sword that presents both opportunities and difficulties. The complicated network of technology and how it affects how we work, communicate, and thrive as workers in the digital age will be thoroughly examined in this blog article.

Technological Advancements in the Workplace

The employment experience is being transformed by technology today. Three important perspectives—the digital revolution, the rise of remote work and its technological enablers, and the smart office—can be used to understand this transition holistically.

The Digital Revolution

How we work, communicate, and interact has undergone a seismic upheaval as a result of the digital revolution. Included are several technological developments like automation, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing.

These developments have streamlined processes and provided staff with access to a wealth of informational resources, enabling them to make quicker choices and fostering a culture of lifelong learning.

The Rise of Remote Work and Its Technological Facilitators 

Due to the pandemic, remote work has become more prevalent and methods and technology have had to be developed to allow for productive work to be done from anywhere.

Project management tools, video conferencing platforms, and virtual private networks (VPNs) are now necessities. Employees now have more freedom, experience less stress from commuting, and have never been able to better combine their personal and professional lives.

The Smart Office: How Technology Is Reshaping Physical Workspaces 

The idea of a “Smart Office” tries to use technology to improve actual workplaces. IoT gadgets, intelligent lighting, and environmental sensors offer the greatest levels of comfort and energy efficiency. 

Furthermore, cutting-edge technical innovations like conference room reservation software and hot-desking software that promote collaborative work and efficient space utilization eventually enhance the workplace. Not least, but as important, is the impact that technology has on how we work and how individuals view their occupations.

Employee Empowerment and Engagement

Technology plays a pivotal role in empowering and engaging employees like never before. Let’s take a look at these critical aspects of this transformation: 

Digital Tools for Enhanced Productivity 

A game-changer in increasing productivity is employee experience management software. Technology of this kind facilitates work, automates processes, and provides insightful information on worker productivity. 

The goal monitoring, feedback systems, and performance analytics features of this program increase employee productivity and help them comprehend their roles within the company. This promotes a sense of accomplishment and direction.

The Role of Technology in Facilitating Employee Well-being 

Technologies are interacting with the well-being of employees through wearable technologies and wellness applications. The ability to monitor one’s physical and mental health thanks to technology promotes leading better lifestyles.

A vital support network is also provided via employee assistance programs (EAPs) and mental health websites, both of which are available online. This guarantees that employees feel appreciated and cared for.

Fostering Collaboration Through Digital Platforms 

Modern workplaces rely heavily on digital platforms for collaboration. With the help of team chat applications and project management tools, technology links workers wherever they may be. 

As a result of the ease with which employees may engage, share ideas, and rejoice in successes, effective teamwork is fostered as well as a stronger feeling of community.

Technology generally encourages employee empowerment, businesses may foster an atmosphere where workers feel inspired, engaged, and totally immersed in their jobs by using digital technologies for productivity, well-being, and collaboration. The happiness and enjoyment of working there will gradually improve as a result.

Learning and Development in the Digital Age

The way businesses handle training and development has also been radically changed by technology, creating a dynamic and interesting work environment.

The Evolving Landscape of Corporate Training

Traditional classroom-based training is gradually giving way to more flexible and accessible digital solutions. Employees can now learn new skills and information at their own pace and convenience thanks to online learning platforms, webinars, and e-learning courses. This change lowers training expenditures while also ensuring ongoing, personalized training.

Personalized Learning Paths: How Technology Tailors Employee Development

For employers to provide employees with personalized learning opportunities, technology is crucial. There is no longer a single staff development plan that works for everyone. 

To create personalized learning programs, learning management systems (LMS) and AI-driven algorithms assess a worker’s talents, areas of weakness, and career goals. Employee engagement and skill development are increased when they focus on the subjects that are most important to their employment and career objectives.

The Impact of Virtual Reality and AI on Skill Enhancement

Virtual Reality (VR) and AI have introduced immersive and experiential learning opportunities. By adopting VR simulations, employees can face real-world situations, which improves their capacity for critical thought and decision-making.

Chatbots and virtual coaches driven by artificial intelligence offer prompt guidance and feedback to promote continuing skill development, these tools link theory to practical applications, which piques students’ attention.

Challenges and Considerations

Although technology has tremendously enhanced the working environment, it has also raised a number of problems that must be resolved by organizations. 

Let’s examine three important factors: Navigating the Work-Life Balance in a Digitally Connected World, The Dark Side of Technology: Addressing Burnout and Overload, and Ensuring Digital Inclusivity and Accessibility.

Navigating the Work-Life Balance in a Digitally Connected World

The constant connectivity facilitated by technology can blur the boundaries between work and personal life. Employee burnout and strained relationships may come from their inability to disengage. By encouraging employees to set limits, disconnect when required, and develop procedures that respect off-duty hours, organizations may encourage good work-life balance.

The Dark Side of Technology: Addressing Burnout and Overload

While technology enhances productivity, it can also become a double-edged sword, contributing to burnout and overload. The constant influx of emails, notifications, and the pressure to be ‘always on’ can take a toll on employees’ mental health. 

To avoid burnout from happening, businesses should promote a culture that values downtime, puts digital detox plans into place, and encourages staff members to take regular breaks.

Ensuring Digital Inclusivity and Accessibility

It is crucial to make sure that all employees can access and use technology as it becomes more integrated into daily operations, businesses should invest in accessible technology and take the needs of people with disabilities into account.

In order to establish an inclusive workplace where all employees can succeed, this involves activating screen readers, providing closed captioning for movies, and making websites and applications compatible with accessibility standards.


The way employees connect with businesses has entirely been altered because of technology. We’ve elaborated on how technology has transformed the workplace, fostering harmony and well-being while boosting output and providing more specialized training.

But one must comprehend the challenges and concerns that come with this technological advance. A good work-life balance, the prevention of burnout, and employee engagement are necessary if technology is to be used to its maximum potential while maintaining employee welfare. Future business technology adoption must take into account any potential drawbacks.

By doing this, they will be able to design modern, efficient, inspiring, and rewarding work environments, enhancing the whole employee experience in the digital era.

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10 Methods Of Low-cost Internet Plans Empowering Students Thu, 26 Oct 2023 12:17:23 +0000 Listen 1. Equal Access to Educational Resources Low-cost internet plans ensure that students from all backgrounds have equal access to the wealth of educational resources available online. Whether it’s e-books, research papers, video lectures, or interactive learning platforms, affordable internet access helps level the playing field for all students. 2. Online Learning Opportunities The rise […]

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1. Equal Access to Educational Resources

Low-cost internet plans ensure that students from all backgrounds have equal access to the wealth of educational resources available online. Whether it’s e-books, research papers, video lectures, or interactive learning platforms, affordable internet access helps level the playing field for all students.

2. Online Learning Opportunities

The rise of online courses and e-learning platforms has opened up a world of learning opportunities. In this matter, low-cost internet for students enables them to enroll in online courses, workshops, and MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) that can enhance their skills and knowledge, often at a fraction of the cost of traditional education.

3. Homework Assistance

The internet is a valuable tool for students seeking homework assistance. Low-cost internet plans allow students to access educational websites, forums, and homework help services that provide guidance and solutions to their academic challenges.

4. Research and Information Retrieval

The ability to conduct research and gather information is a crucial skill for students. Affordable internet access enables students to access a vast array of scholarly articles, databases, and research materials, facilitating more in-depth and comprehensive research for assignments and projects.

5. Communication and Collaboration

Collaboration is an essential aspect of the learning process. Low-cost internet plans enable students to communicate and collaborate with peers and educators through email, video conferencing, and various online tools. This fosters a sense of community and enhances the learning experience.

6. Skill Development

The internet is a treasure trove of resources for skill development. With affordable internet access, students can access tutorials, webinars, and YouTube videos to learn new skills, from coding and graphic design to foreign languages and culinary arts.

7. Access to Educational Apps

Mobile applications have become increasingly popular for educational purposes. Low-cost internet plans make it possible for students to download and use educational apps that supplement their learning, from language learning apps to math drills and interactive science simulations.

8. Stay Informed

Access to news websites and educational content keeps students informed about current events and global issues. Low-cost internet plans allow students to stay updated with the latest news and trends, helping them become more aware and informed citizens.

9. Career Opportunities

The internet is a gateway to countless career opportunities. Job searches, internships, and networking platforms are all easily accessible with affordable internet plans, allowing students to explore their future career paths.

10. Personal Growth and Empowerment

Beyond academics, low-cost internet access supports personal growth and empowerment. Students can explore their interests, participate in online communities, and engage in hobbies and passions, ultimately leading to a more well-rounded and fulfilled life.

Challenges and Solutions

While low-cost internet plans have the potential to empower students, several challenges need to be addressed to ensure their widespread accessibility:

Infrastructure: The availability of reliable internet infrastructure, especially in rural areas, needs improvement to ensure equitable access to low-cost plans.

Digital Literacy: Students must be equipped with the skills to navigate the online world effectively. Education and training in digital literacy are vital.

Affordability: Low-cost internet plans are essential, but their pricing should be kept at levels that are genuinely affordable for economically disadvantaged students and families.

Device Accessibility: Access to the internet is only useful if students have devices like computers or tablets. Initiatives to provide affordable or free devices to students in need can complement low-cost internet plans.

Privacy and Security: Online safety is a concern, especially for younger students. Education on internet safety and the protection of personal information is crucial.


Low-cost internet plans have the potential to revolutionize education by empowering students in numerous ways. They bridge the digital divide, providing equal access to educational resources and opportunities, enabling skill development, and fostering personal growth. However, to maximize their impact, efforts must be made to address infrastructure, digital literacy, affordability, device accessibility, and online safety issues. Only through a concerted effort can we ensure that all students have the opportunity to harness the educational benefits of the Internet, regardless of their socioeconomic background. Internet for education is not just a luxury; it’s a right that can transform lives and empower the next generation.

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How to Foster Innovation in Association Membership Sun, 22 Oct 2023 15:22:24 +0000 Listen Associations may become complacent over time. They lose the motivation to innovate with their memberships, especially if everything seems to be going well. It’s always wise to consider how innovation benefits you. As times change, new technologies arrive and disruptions occur. Your members will have different wants and needs. How you innovate and respond […]

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Associations may become complacent over time. They lose the motivation to innovate with their memberships, especially if everything seems to be going well. It’s always wise to consider how innovation benefits you. As times change, new technologies arrive and disruptions occur. Your members will have different wants and needs. How you innovate and respond may be the difference between thriving as an association and struggling to survive.

Here is how to foster innovation in association membership.

Prioritize innovation

Prioritizing innovation is the first step to achieving success. Commit to it by knowing the latest trends and technologies. Search for ways to do more with less. Find innovations you can incorporate into existing processes to further your organization’s goals.

The way you traditionally do things may not be suitable for the present and future. It’s essential to adapt and remain flexible. Also, be open to trying out new ideas. Experimentation determines the ultimate effectiveness of your organization’s structural framework.

Use technology.

AI has been in the news frequently over the past year. AI for an association can alleviate staff stress, improve recruitment, and more. Use this powerful technology to automate tasks, like sending reminders to members nearing the end of their membership. Membership software automates many tasks effortlessly.

Membership software automates data generation for your association. Member software can track a new member or renewal, an interaction, an incoming message or query, or a campaign that needs monitoring. With this data, you can better serve your members’ needs and identify possible growth opportunities.

Find a platform where your members and staff can sign up, exchange messages, or collaborate. There are many apps available that do this. Members can join and use their phones to work together. Doing so improves efficiency, communication, and engagement metrics.

Encourage staff and the community.

Ask staff for suggestions on innovation within an association. They know better than anyone how effective existing policies and processes are. They may have insightful ideas about how to improve and innovate.

Furthermore, don’t limit brainstorming to your staff. Ask your members for feedback. Consider making the conversation public by posting it in a group chat, social media private group, or an online forum.

Encourage failure and reward innovation.

When no one is afraid to feel stupid or fail, caution is thrown to the wind. You can exchange some brilliantly innovative ideas without any judgment. Encourage idea-sharing by reminding everyone that failure is valuable. When an idea does not work, there is no reason to shame it. Every idea is important.

When an innovation works, acknowledge the member who brought it forth. Reward success publicly. Make sure innovators are celebrated. This encourages others to bring up their ideas and innovations without feeling like no one is listening.

Identify the problems.

Everyone experiences challenges and ordeals. True innovation emerges more frequently while seeking a path with less resistance. There could be issues you can address or dilemmas to resolve through innovation, either self-created or borrowed from another source. Consider these aspects when nurturing innovation within association memberships.

Look for new resources and delivery methods.

As time progresses, new books, documentaries, and courses become available that may interest your members. Review what’s available once a year. Ensure you optimize your offerings for new and existing members.

In the past, certifications and credentials were obtained in person. Post-pandemic, more associations move resources online. Consider utilizing digitized resources and delivery to make access easier. Popular delivery methods include webcasts, podcast series, on-demand video webinars, and self-paced education courses.

Invite innovators.

Invite innovators to share their knowledge with your association members. It could be a breakthrough invention, another company or product, an innovative service, or a new training seminar. Bring in innovators to explain and speak about innovation. There is no telling what it might stoke or inspire in your member base.

Check how other associations self-manage and manage their memberships. Learn how associations onboard new members, retain existing members and increase association membership engagement. You’ll discover effective, efficient ways of managing memberships.

Look for career-driven innovation.

Individuals often join associations for career reasons. These include acquiring certifications, exploring job opportunities, or enhancing their skills through training. They may also fulfill mandatory requirements, expand their professional network, and promote career growth. 

When considering future advancements, think about what innovative approaches will attract professionals. Ideas like networking events or mentorship opportunities are valuable assets that give your association a competitive advantage. These perks will help attract and retain top talent.

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The Power of Visual Design in the Digital Age Mon, 16 Oct 2023 07:41:29 +0000 Listen In an increasingly digital world, the power of visual design has never been more evident. Visual design profoundly influences how we engage with the digital realm, from websites and mobile apps to social media, advertisements, and multimedia content. This blog explores the fundamental role of visual design in the digital age and why it […]

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In an increasingly digital world, the power of visual design has never been more evident. Visual design profoundly influences how we engage with the digital realm, from websites and mobile apps to social media, advertisements, and multimedia content. This blog explores the fundamental role of visual design in the digital age and why it matters more than ever.

Everything from websites and apps to social media content relies heavily on visual design. Businesses and organizations need visually appealing digital assets to capture their audience’s attention, resulting in an increased demand for skilled visual designers. Visual design courses are experiencing a surge in popularity for several compelling reasons, reflecting the evolving demands and interests of students, professionals, and the digital age in general. 

The Role of Visual Design in Digital Communication

Visual design combines text, images, and other elements to communicate a message effectively. In the digital age, where information is abundant, and attention spans are fleeting, the role of visual design is paramount. It bridges content creators and their audience, helping convey complex ideas, evoke emotions, and guide users through the digital landscape.

At its core, visual design aims to enhance user engagement and understanding. It’s the difference between a cluttered, confusing webpage and an organized, intuitive one. A well-designed digital interface not only looks good but also functions seamlessly. Effective visual design can determine whether users stay and explore or bounce away, whether it’s a website, an app, or a social media post.

Key Principles of Effective Visual Design

To harness the power of visual design, designers adhere to fundamental principles. These principles include balance, contrast, alignment, and proximity. In the digital world, balance ensures that a webpage or app isn’t visually lopsided. Contrast helps elements stand out and grab attention. Alignment ensures that everything is neatly organized, and proximity groups related elements together. These principles provide a visual hierarchy that guides users through content effortlessly.

Consider a well-designed website, for instance. The header and navigation bar are typically at the top, creating a clear starting point. The body content is organized with headings, images, and text. The color scheme and typography are consistent, creating a cohesive brand image. These elements work together to enhance the user experience and make content more digestible.

The Impact of Color in Digital Visual Design

Color is one of the most powerful tools in a designer’s arsenal. It can evoke emotions, convey meaning, and influence user behavior. Color choices are particularly important in the digital age because screens are our primary medium for information consumption.

For example, red can signal urgency or importance, making it a popular choice for “Buy Now” buttons on e-commerce websites. Blue often conveys trustworthiness and calm, which is why it’s prevalent in the branding of many social media platforms. A successful visual design strategy incorporates color psychology to create a harmonious and effective digital experience.

Typography in Digital Design

Typography, the art of arranging and styling text, is crucial in creating a consistent brand image in the digital realm. The choice of  text styles and fonts is not just about aesthetics; it’s about readability and conveying the right message.

In the digital age, readability is essential. Users often skim content, so clear, well-chosen fonts and text styles are critical to retaining attention. Whether it’s a blog post, an app interface, or an e-commerce product description, the typography must be carefully selected to enhance the user’s understanding and overall experience.

Visual Design and User Experience (UX)

User experience (UX) design is closely intertwined with visual design. UX design ensures that digital products are user-friendly, efficient, and enjoyable. As a subset of UX design, visual design plays an integral role in successfully achieving these goals.

Intuitive navigation, legible content, and an aesthetically pleasing layout are all part of creating a positive user experience. When users find a website or app visually appealing and easy to use, they’re more likely to engage with the content and achieve their goals, whether purchasing, reading an article, or simply enjoying an app’s functionality.

Mobile Responsiveness and Visual Design

The proliferation of mobile devices has necessitated a shift in how designers approach visual design. A website or app that looks fantastic on a desktop screen might be unmanageable on a smartphone. Mobile responsiveness is essential for accommodating users on various devices and screen sizes.

The challenge lies in adapting visual design elements to smaller screens without compromising the user experience. Successful mobile design retains the integrity of the brand’s visual identity while ensuring that content remains accessible and readable. In the digital age, paying attention to mobile responsiveness can significantly retain users.

Visual Design Trends in the Digital Age

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and visual design is no exception. Design trends change as technology advances and user preferences shift. Keeping up with these trends is crucial for designers and businesses seeking to stay relevant and appealing to their target audience.

Current visual design trends often revolve around minimalism, flat design, and vibrant color schemes. Mobile app interfaces have become more intuitive, and scrolling is often favored over clicking to navigate websites. Staying informed about these trends and understanding how they apply to your project can significantly impact its success.

Case Studies and Examples

To appreciate the power of visual design in the digital age, it’s helpful to examine real-world examples. Let’s take a look at a few cases where visual design has played a pivotal role in the success of digital platforms:

Apple – Apple’s product designs are known for their clean, minimalist aesthetics. The sleek visual design of the iPhone, Mac, and other Apple products has contributed significantly to the brand’s allure.

Airbnb – The website and app are excellent examples of user-centric visual design. Their platforms are easy to navigate, and the visuals of each listing are designed to inspire trust and a sense of adventure.

Instagram – Instagram’s visual design centres around the power of images. The app’s layout is clean and straightforward, allowing the photos and videos posted by users to take center stage.

National Geographic – The National Geographic website combines striking visuals with in-depth storytelling. Their high-quality images and multimedia elements create an immersive experience for visitors.

In each of these instances, visual design has played a prominent role in captivating and retaining users, thereby adding to the overall triumph of the platform or product.Tools and Resources for Digital Visual Design

If you’re interested in harnessing the power of visual design in the digital age, there are several tools and resources available to help you get started:

Adobe Creative Cloud – It is a suite of design tools, including Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, for creating stunning visuals.

Canva – An accessible online design platform that offers a broad range of templates and tools for non-designers.

Google Fonts – A collection of free, open-source fonts to be used in web design and digital content creation.

Dribbble and Behance – Online communities where designers showcase their work, share ideas, and find inspiration.

Online Courses and Tutorials – Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and YouTube offer many tutorials and courses on visual design and related topics.


In the digital age, visual design is more than just aesthetics; it’s a powerful tool for communication, engagement, and memorable user experiences. From the principles of effective design to the impact of color, typography, and mobile responsiveness, every aspect of visual design plays a vital role in the success of digital projects.

Therefore, pursuing a visual design course is the best time to enter the design industry. So take the next step and enrol in a visual design course to stay ahead in the competitive job market.

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Contract Lifecycle Management in Salesforce Sun, 01 Oct 2023 00:21:09 +0000 Listen Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) consists of many stages, and each one is designed to manage a contract efficiently. From contract creation to negotiation, execution, performance, expiration, and renewal, you can see that this is no simple process. It usually takes a few people across different teams to manage effectively. Having a convoluted and over-complicated […]

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Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) consists of many stages, and each one is designed to manage a contract efficiently. From contract creation to negotiation, execution, performance, expiration, and renewal, you can see that this is no simple process. It usually takes a few people across different teams to manage effectively.

Having a convoluted and over-complicated CLM process in Salesforce is not a good idea. For this reason, many organizations try to simplify CLM processes as much as they can. If your organization works with contracts daily, you need to know how to simplify your CLM to save costs and reduce manual tasks.

So, join us in this article as we explore CLM in more detail, provide you with third-party Salesforce solutions, like the popular Titan CLM for Salesforce, as well as some best practices to incorporate into your business processes.

Let’s get started!

What is Contract Lifecycle Management?

To begin, Contract Lifecycle Management is a process that has many stages that need to be managed:

  • Request of Contract
  • Creating Contracts
  • Negotiating Contracts
  • Contract Approvals
  • Collecting Contract Signatures
  • Adhering to Contract Obligations
  • Contract Compliance
  • Contract Renewals

Each stage of the contract lifecycle management process should be streamlined and optimized as much as possible so that teams can work efficiently and businesses can ensure that they are not wasting any money due to errors in the contracts.

Contract Lifecycle Management Software

Salesforce is hands-down the number 1 customer relationship management (CRM) cloud platform. It has a whole range of tools and features to manage your data and improve customer relationships. You can totally use it to boost your sales and marketing strategies, but unfortunately, it does not have an out-of-the-box contract lifecycle management system.

Not to fear, though, there are many contract lifecycle management solutions online that integrate with Salesforce to streamline managing documents. Essentially, a good CLM software will integrate seamlessly with Salesforce, manage documents, and assist in streamlining the different stages of the CLM process.

We have three robust third-party applications that integrate with Salesforce to simplify your CLM processes. Take a look below.

Titan CLM

First up is the popular Titan CLM solution. With Titan CLM, businesses can make deals in minutes directly from Salesforce. This solution provides features to redline, edit, and comment on any contract while tracking every step inside Salesforce. The application uses no code and is a game-changing collaboration for businesses that use Salesforce and work with documents daily.

Conga Contracts

Previously known as Novatus, Conga Contracts is another popular CLM solution for Salesforce. With Conga Contracts, teams can generate and track documents directly from Salesforce. This solution, like DocuSign and Titan Sign, provides eSignature capabilities.


Although DocuSign is well-recognized for its eSignature solutions in Salesforce, it also provides contract lifecycle management solution features. With DocuSign, businesses can automate document-signing processes and store contracts safely.

CLM in Salesforce

Even though Salesforce does not have a dedicated CLM solution, it does provide some contract lifecycle management tools and features to automate tasks found in general CLM processes. Let’s take a look at what you could achieve with these tools to streamline some of your CLM tasks.

Create Contracts

You could use Salesforce to create a contract with essential information, such as customer details, terms, and clauses. If you need, Salesforce also provides contract templates so that you do not need to build one from scratch.

Aid the Negotiation Stage

Salesforce has collaboration features that businesses can use in the negotiation stage of CLM. Different employees, partners, and customers can all collaborate on the contract to edit the terms, make comments on sections, or suggest updates to each other.

Streamlines the Approval Stage

Contracts are pretty serious documents and, therefore, need approval from all parties in the agreement. Salesforce has tools and features to create custom workflows to manage and approve contracts, which is helpful in the Contract Approval stage in CLM.

Contract Lifecycle Management Best Practices

When working with contracts, it’s essential to have some standards or best practices across your teams and departments since so many individuals play a part in the CLM process. Incorporating best practices in your contract lifecycle management systems and ensuring everyone follows them will undoubtedly reduce the risks of errors and increase the professional quality of your contracts. Based on research, here are some best practices and tips for CLM.

Create Templates to Save Time

Starting at the very beginning, you want to create standardized templates for your contracts. Legally approved templates are a great way to ensure that all your documents going forward use the correct language and contain no grammatical errors or typos. The benefit of creating templates for your contracts is that all your documents will be consistent and accurate, reducing the time spent in the negotiation phase, usually used to correct information on a contract.

Create Contracts Automatically

Now that you have approved templates, it’s time to create contracts fast. Use contract generation tools that integrate with Salesforce to automatically create contracts from your pre-designed templates. This best practice will reduce any errors that you would usually attain from creating contracts manually. And, of course, automatically creating contracts with a click of a mouse speeds up your document creation processes.

Store Contracts in a Central Location

You should use a repository that has version control capabilities to store all your contracts. Version control helps you monitor changes to documents with options to access previous versions of a file. We suggest Salesforce as a central location to store your contracts, as it is a great option to access, work with, and organize documents.


Simplifying CLM in Salesforce has loads of benefits, which we addressed in the article. The multiple stages of a CLM process are no joke, and no business would want to take the risk of mismanaging contracts that can have legally binding consequences or potentially lose out on sales deals. Many organizations already manage their customer data and documents in Salesforce, and if you are one too, we recommend that you find a third-party app that focuses on systems that automate and streamline your CLM tasks for Salesforce.

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Why Should You Start a QA Course? Thu, 08 Jun 2023 21:51:47 +0000 Listen Knowing where to take your tech career can be a bit challenging at times right? Thankfully it doesn’t have to be: As there are short courses that can completely change your salary and prospects at a moment’s notice. This is why today will be focused on the QA courses Test Pro has to offer […]

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Knowing where to take your tech career can be a bit challenging at times right? Thankfully it doesn’t have to be: As there are short courses that can completely change your salary and prospects at a moment’s notice. This is why today will be focused on the QA courses Test Pro has to offer and how they can make a real difference in your life.

What is QA?

QA or Quality Assurance refers to the systematic process used to determine whether a given software or system meets its requirements, so basically: QA refers to the testing done to ensure code works as intended.

QA tackles two key issues that can happen at any time in software development:

  • The code not working as intended
  • The system not being able to withstand its intended load

So, for any software in the market, or any system a company uses, there had to be a QA testing process behind it.

Why choose to be a QA Engineer?

First and foremost it’s important to remember that every company needs QA engineers. Think about it: What company doesn’t run software nowadays? That’s already the answer to how likely you are to find a job as a QA engineer.

Another advantage for those that aren’t expert coders is that a QA engineer is ultimately not a developer. Your job is to test code and make sure systems and applications work, but you won’t be expected to make software for a company from scratch.

And last but certainly not least: QA engineers are very happy in their field. It might sound silly at first, but Forbes (nofollow) and other major publications have listed QA as one of the happiest jobs in multiple years. So in general: people working at QA enjoy it.

Make a difference with Test Pro Courses

Now that we have a good grasp of why you would want to start looking into QA courses, it’s time we take a look at what Test Pro offers.

Making a career shift or specialization can be scary, after all, it tends to take a lot of money and effort: But what if it didn’t? QA Manual Tester bootcamp only takes 9 weeks of your time, and it’s designed to get its enrollees ready for real QA work in that time even if they had never handled code before.

The best part? The community online backs this up: Test Pro’s course is listed as one of the 6 best software bootcamps online by Career Karma. Not one of the best QA bootcamps mind you: One of the best software courses online. period.

Test Pro not only offers expediency in its duration, but it also provides real project experience. Someone enrolled can expect to work on commercial and open source projects during the practice period, as well as to have a real shot at landing a job right out of the course. That’s the difference that Test Pro offers: It’s a bootcamp truly aimed towards job stability.

So if you want to join the ranks of QA engineers and start your career in one of the happiest jobs in the world, you know you can do so at a moment’s notice with Test Pro.


Can I really join with no coding skills?

Yes. The course is fully meant to help people with no background in the tech sector. So what truly matters is that you have the drive to make a change in your career.

Where is the course available?

As an online course, you can enroll in the course functionally worldwide. If there’s a stable internet connection where you are, you should have no issues.

What can I expect to earn after completing the course?

A QA engineer fresh from the Test Pro boot camp can expect to find a job within the $35-$50/hour range.

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How To Get Your Slogan Seen By The Right People Thu, 01 Jun 2023 23:48:57 +0000 Listen There are so many ways that you can get your brand seen, either online or face-to-face, as well as methods that you can use to publicize your business and get the word out there about what your company does. This can be through using custom swag, mass marketing, your social media presence, or going […]

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There are so many ways that you can get your brand seen, either online or face-to-face, as well as methods that you can use to publicize your business and get the word out there about what your company does. This can be through using custom swag, mass marketing, your social media presence, or going old school with posters and pamphlets. 

However, getting your brand noticed is a lot more intricate than simply having a presence. There are some methods that you can use to get your slogan seen and, more importantly, remembered by the right people. 

#1 Custom Swag

Giving out free custom swag to your customers can be a brilliant way to build customer loyalty and give you some much-needed extra publicity. If you are putting out your businesses logo and slogan on a shirt for free, or on sweatbands or water bottles – if that is what ties in with your customer base and their purchases more – every time that someone sees your customer using your products, they will see your branding and your logo. 

This is brilliant for advertising, and taking advantage of word-of-mouth referrals, as people will ask where the swag items came from. You might also find that custom swag can be great for a uniform. This can help people identify your business and know who to ask for help when they need it if you have a physical store. 

This can be a great way to show off your professionality, build stronger support from your customers, and help your employees feel like they are more of a unit, not just some individuals cobbled together between 9-5. To get access to some of the best custom swag, you should start looking into a high-quality and reputable branding company that can produce items that people will be proud to use.

#2 Your website

Your website also needs to show off your branding and slogan. This is so those that look at your website can get an immediate impression of what your business is about in a single glance. 

You should also make sure that you are incorporating your slogan into your business copy, as well as having a section explaining what you mean. This is also where you tell people about the history of the company, why you formed it, and what your mission is. 

#3 Marketing

Of course, you are going to need to think about your mass marketing and how to incorporate it into the emails that you are sending out. This can be key to making sure that your emails are on brand and that you are solidifying your brand identity. 

Through both email and SMS marketing, you will find it a lot easier to link your marketing together, as well as come up with a consistent message. This consistency can also help get your slogan into people’s heads, which is excellent for publicity.

#4 Posters and pamphlets 

These are an excellent way to spread the news about your business in your local area. You will find that your business will need multiple forms of marketing to appeal to a wide range of potential customers, and if your business wants to appeal to a demographic who might not go on the internet that much, pamphlets are a great way to spread the news. It also means that people will look at what you have distributed and can’t just scroll past it on Google search results or ignore the email. 

#5 Social Media 

Social media is another great way to market your business and therefore publicize your slogan. You will find that your company will need a huge social media presence, which means that you will need to create content all of the time. 

There are a huge number of ideas that you can use that can help to boost your follower count. In addition to this, your social media is not just limited to your followers. Anyone can see it from anywhere in the world. You will find that your business will get a lot of positive attention because of this. Also, you might find that social media is a hugely interactive platform, meaning that you can communicate directly with potential customers and encourage them to find out more. 

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How to Earn an MBA Degree in Supply Chain Operations Wed, 24 May 2023 20:17:59 +0000 Listen Whether you’re already working in the field or planning to get started, an MBA in supply chain operations can help you enhance your skills and prepare you for your career. Supply chain management is a dynamic field that’s growing in popularity. It’s projected to have high growth rates over the next decade. What is […]

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Whether you’re already working in the field or planning to get started, an MBA in supply chain operations can help you enhance your skills and prepare you for your career. Supply chain management is a dynamic field that’s growing in popularity. It’s projected to have high growth rates over the next decade.

What is an MBA?

An MBA is a business degree that combines a general business administration curriculum with an in-depth focus on one area of specialization. These programs are popular with business professionals looking to distinguish themselves as job candidates. Typically, masters in business administration degrees take 1-3 years to complete and are designed for adult learners with jobs and other commitments while studying. Many offer online delivery, flexible scheduling, and weekend or night classes to accommodate adult learners. Supply chain management and operations are closely linked, making it a natural choice for an MBA concentration. It teaches students to optimize processes from creating a product to its delivery to consumers. Graduates from this program find employment in a variety of fields. For example, they can work as a procurement analyst, an employee who works with purchasing managers to negotiate contracts and purchase materials needed for production. These positions typically earn between $73,424 and $115,000 annually, depending on the type of organization.

What is the Cost of an MBA?

An MBA supply chain degree can cost between $30,000 and $70,000. Tuition, books and materials, university fees, and housing costs can also add to this price tag. Some students may qualify for federal financial aid, which can help cut the cost of an MBA program for supply chain professionals. Before applying to a particular program, check with the school’s admissions team about how much it will cost. Getting an MBA is typically worth the cost. The extra education may increase your earnings, especially in industries like logistics and manufacturing. You can pursue your degree on campus or online. If you’re a working student, online programs may be more affordable and flexible than traditional MBA options.

What are the Courses in an MBA?

Many MBA courses focus on supply chain management and operations. These courses help students build the business knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in a career in this field. You’ll learn about a company’s production and distribution logistics, including purchasing and sourcing, warehousing, inventory management, transportation planning, and forecasting. These are all important for the overall success of a business. Supply chain managers oversee the sourcing of raw materials and move them to a company’s final location. Meanwhile, operations managers oversee a company’s internal processes, such as manufacturing, sales, and service. By combining these two functions, a supply chain manager can ensure the most efficient production, distribution, and storage of goods.

How Long Does it Take to Earn an MBA?

The time required to earn a master’s degree can vary significantly from program to program. It generally takes about two years to complete a full MBA degree. However, some students finish a post-baccalaureate certificate in less time and spend much less money on tuition than they would for a full-blown master’s degree. Supply chain management is a popular specialization for business school students. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the industry is in-demand and offers significant potential for career advancement. The specialized coursework in an MBA degree can provide students with the skills they need to take on logistics roles such as purchasing, inventory, sourcing, supply chain management, and global logistics. It also provides a foundation for higher-level positions in the field, including a supply chain director or manager.

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Is an MBA in Finance a Profitable Career Option in 2023? Sun, 02 Apr 2023 09:09:52 +0000 Listen For a young professional, an MBA in Finance is an exciting opportunity to further your career. For those with more experience, it can give you a jump start on your next promotion. But, as with any degree, it’s essential to consider whether it’s a good investment. This article looks at some of the costs […]

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For a young professional, an MBA in Finance is an exciting opportunity to further your career. For those with more experience, it can give you a jump start on your next promotion. But, as with any degree, it’s essential to consider whether it’s a good investment. This article looks at some of the costs involved and the expected return on your investment. We’ll also discuss full-time and part-time options and the courses available.


An MBA in finance offers graduates the skills to advance their careers. These graduates can work as financial analysts, financial examiners, and financial managers. With this degree, they can earn higher salaries and access specialized industries.

MBA in finance programs is available through both in-person and online finance MBA. Some schools offer both types of study, allowing students to choose their schedule.

Many employers help their employees cover some of the cost of an MBA. This assistance may be offered in tuition reimbursement or fixed annual contributions. However, most employer-sponsored aid programs require employees to stay with the company for some time after graduation.

For those who are not eligible for help from their employer, federal and private loans and grants can help cover the costs of an MBA. To qualify, you must demonstrate financial need and write a persuasive letter.

Full-Time Vs. Part-Time Options

Enrolling in a full-time or part-time MBA program is one of the most crucial choices you’ll make during your MBA. This decision can affect your whole MBA experience. For instance, how many classes you’ll take at a time and how long it will take you to earn your degree.

Full-time programs offer a more immersive education. In addition, they can provide more opportunities for networking and internships. However, they may cost you more in the long run.

Part-time programs are more affordable. They can also be more flexible. You can enroll in just one or two courses at a time and spread your tuition over several years.

Part-time programs can be an effective way to further your career. Many companies sponsor part-time students. Others may even pay your tuition.

Part-time MBAs are also a better fit for career changers. These students often need more work experience and can benefit from a mentorship or internship.

Return on Investment

A return on investment (ROI) is a critical consideration in an MBA program. ROI is a calculation comparing the cost of the MBA degree to the increase in salary that the student will receive post-graduation. The GMAC MBA calculator can help calculate the ROI for your MBA.

A good MBA can be worth several millions of dollars over a career. However, calculating the ROI is a complex task. Several factors can affect the ROI of an MBA. These include personal and family financial situations, personal goals, and the quality of the MBA program.

Having a clear picture of your ROI will help you get started. This can be done by comparing the cost of an MBA to the average starting salary for the field. Another way to do this is to find out how long it will take you to recoup your MBA investment.

Courses Offered

An MBA in Finance is a specialized degree that prepares students for careers in the financial sector. Students will learn about finance, business, accounting, and more during the program. They will also acquire advanced portfolio management skills. Those who specialize in this field can find a variety of rewarding careers. Apart from finance, there are more MBA online programs with specializations that may align with your needs and interests.

The program is typically two years long and can be completed full- or part-time. Applicants must have at least a bachelor’s degree and a GMAT score. This degree qualifies individuals for positions in banks, audit agencies, taxation firms, etc.

Accounting, investments, economics, and taxation are all covered in the course material. Additionally, students will complete a practicum in which they will get practical experience. 

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A Short Guide to Visual Merchandising For Small Business in the 2020s Thu, 30 Mar 2023 11:52:22 +0000 Listen Merchandising in the 2020s for small businesses is not a one-size-fits-all retail science. It’s become a digitally enhanced medium that involves everything from branding to social media influencing. Says the merchandising experts at Fast Simon, merchandising in this high-tech day and age is a retail strategy that influences and promotes the behavior of customers […]

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Merchandising in the 2020s for small businesses is not a one-size-fits-all retail science. It’s become a digitally enhanced medium that involves everything from branding to social media influencing. Says the merchandising experts at Fast Simon, merchandising in this high-tech day and age is a retail strategy that influences and promotes the behavior of customers to increase your sales. 

Products can be presented and displayed in all sorts of creative ways to persuade a customer to make a sale. You can accomplish this via special offers, pricing, online influencing, and more. In fact, merchandising by Fast Simon in particular has become a task that specifically focuses on a business’s objectives and branding. 

One of the most popular high-tech ways of promoting your brand message and driving traffic to your products in 2023 is through visual displays. According to a new industry report by Fit Small Business, at the base, visual merchandising is the marketing practice of displaying your unique product and coordinating your digital or brick-and-mortar store so that it better enhances your brand, drives sales, and also provides an exciting shopping experience for existing and potential customers.   

What follows is a short guide to visual merchandising for small businesses in the 2020s.  

Utilize Color to Create a Consistent Visual Experience

A color palette that’s uniform and consistent will help you better establish a cohesive visual experience inside your shop. It will enhance certain elements of your space and draw attention to them. It’s said to be a best practice to go easy on the number of colors you want to work with limiting them to three or four since you’re looking for a balanced visual experience, not an explosive one.   

The particular palette you choose to utilize should, in theory, match your sales objectives and your brand. For instance, if you own a pet supply shop, you will want your space to be family oriented. You will also evoke images of nature and animal life. In such a situation, you would stick to earthly greens and natural tones to bring about associations with comfort and nature. 

Use Ambient Lighting to Draw Attention to Your Merchandise

Says Fit Small Business, your lighting design is a crucial element for making your brick-and-mortar store complete. The lighting you choose should be engineered to create a specific atmosphere. You will also use it to define the mood you wish your shop and your specific brand to evoke.  

A professional lighting design will draw the right attention to the products you wish for your customers to focus on. It will also make a bold statement that can serve to set you apart from your competitors. If you can’t figure out a decent lighting design on your own, you might consider hiring an architect to assist you.  

Utilize the Right Signage to Inform and Direct Your Customers

The right signage is all about conveying information. The signage you choose will highlight features and products, enhance your branding, serve as a guide to attract customers to specific items and share pertinent information with the casual shopper. 

Here are some dos and don’ts for creating your signage. 


  • Keep wording informative and short
  • Include a call to action like “Buy Now!”
  • Make your signage intriguing and even entertaining
  • Use signage to promote, inform, and persuade
  • Use signage on the interior and exterior of your shop


  • Make things complicated with nonessential info
  • Leave a customer hanging with unanswered questions
  • Avoid placing your signage out of the line of sight
  • Steer clear of using ridiculous or purposeless signage just to fill up space
  • Do not hide signage in difficult-to-see areas

Feature Products Utilizing Point-of-Purchase or POP Displays

POP displays are defined by merchandising experts as physical or digital displays that are located around the products you wish to draw the most attention to. POPs can be used to showcase deals, draw attention, advertise, declutter, and of course, promote product features. Some business owners think of POP displays as one-dimensional employees that, while confined to a specific area, work to promote your brand and your special product. 

Studies show that 65 percent of people learn on a visual basis. Showing them visuals in POP form can assist in increasing their attention to your brand’s message. Therefore, POP displays are an excellent and efficient way to wrap a visual stimulus around your product or products. In the short and long run, they are an effective way for customers to remember and continue engaging with your store.   

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