Home Digital Marketing How To Fix Broken Links On Your Website?

How To Fix Broken Links On Your Website?



If you have an online platform, we’re sure that you’ve put loads of hard work into turning it into a valuable resource house. However, if the links available on your site aren’t working correctly, it will derail all of your diligence within seconds.

Having broken links on your website can be detrimental for you in two different ways –

  • It can affect the experience of a user, as they get to a dead-end after clicking on a link. 
  • Broken links can affect the SEO efficiency and ranking of your website. 

Hence, if you want to avert these potential pitfalls, you’ll have to look for broken links on your website periodically. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how you can do so. 

A Step-By-Step To Fixing Broken Links 

In this section, we have provided a step-by-step guide to fixing broken links on your website. It might be a little descriptive, but we’re pretty sure that the knowledge will be worth it. 

Step – 1: Find The Links 

When talking about taking care of broken links, you should start your journey by finding out the problematic ones. For that, you can use various tools like Google Analytics or Xenu. You can either get them from the official website or download them from pirate bay

Step – 2: Curate A Proper Report 

Once you have found the links, make sure to create an Excel sheet and paste the links on them. This way, you can find whatever you are looking for within seconds. If you want, you may also export the report on Google Analytics to make your job a little easier. 

Step – 3: Analyze The Data 

For the next step, we will ask you to analyze the data and find the pages you want to redirect them to. While you’re making a list of them, make sure to jot down the websites as correctly as possible. Making an error, in the same way, will get you back to the same place you were before. 

Step – 4: Redirect The Links 

Once you are done analyzing the data correctly, then you will have to redirect them to the required location. You can do the same through a CMS system. Here’s how it will go – 

  • Go to the “administration” section and click on site-building. 
  • Now, you will find an option called “URL redirects.” 
  • Click on “add redirect” and fill up the “From” and “To” sections altogether. 
  • Paste the links here. 

Finally, make sure to tap on “301 Moved Permanently” to complete the procedure entirely. Repeat the above process for each and every link available on the website. 

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions 

As of now, we have talked about how you can fix broken links on your website. However, in this section, we will answer a few queries that you might have regarding the topic. Please keep reading to learn more about it. 

What Causes Broken Links On A Website? 

The issue of broken links can be caused due to various reasons. For instance, it can occur when you are moving or renaming a webpage without changing the internal links. Besides, sometimes, putting on the wrong URL can also lead to the issue of broken links. 

Are Broken Links Bad? 

Well, having broken links on your website does not damage or affect it directly. However, it can negatively impact the SEO ranking of the platform. Besides, it is also not ideal when it comes to the user experience of your site. 

What Do Broken Links On A Website Tell Us?

When you click on a broken link, you will be redirected to a page where it tells “error 404” or something as such. However, for a user, it will seem that the website is not credible enough or has some problems related to the technicalities. 


Unlike the external links, you have complete control over your site’s internal linking. Thus, we will ask you to take care of the same whenever possible. Be sure to perform a weekly audit on your website and make sure to fix it if something’s broken. 

Anyway, now, we will be concluding our article. If you have any queries, make sure to let us know about them in the comment section below. We’ll answer them as quickly as possible.

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